By |Categories: Health & Wellness|Last Updated: July 11, 2024|

Orthopedic Braces for Knee SupportOrthopedic Braces for Knee Support

Are you experiencing or have been experiencing constant knee pain? Knee pain can come from a number of different activities or work. Jobs that require lots of movement, such as construction, will see various muscle aches and injuries as time goes on. There are a number of other occupations where this can be seen as well. Orthopedic braces for knee support from Preferred Med Supply will help with your knee pains. 

Before you order an orthopedic brace, make sure to consult your doctor to see what style of knee brace would work best for you. Having a professional evaluation will also help you understand how to properly wear it and how long you should be using it. 

In general, orthopedic braces are prescribed to someone as part of a comprehensive treatment. Wearing a brace without the advice of a doctor can result in worse knee pain or increased injuries. 

When Orthopedic Braces for Knee Support Help You

Orthopedic braces for knee support can be used for other reasons other than surgical treatments. If you suffer from one of the following conditions, a knee brace can help you heal and relieve pain from the following conditions listed below. 


This is one of the most common reasons people are told to wear a knee brace. This is because osteoarthritis affects the entire joint in the knee and is found in millions of people in the U.S. alone. Osteoarthritis can make it feel like your knee will give out at any second. 

An orthopedic knee brace can help hold your knee in place and provide extra support to make daily activities easier. The length in which you should wear a knee brace will depend on the severity of the osteoarthritis. Typically, people with osteoarthritis will wear their knee brace when doing activities that involve movement, such as walking or playing sports. Other people who have harsh, constant pains will find it helpful to wear the brace for the majority of the day.

Post Surgery Recovery

After having surgery performed on your knee, it will generally take some time before it is fully healed and back to full strength. Attempting to resume normal activity after knee surgery without a knee brace can be a risky move. This can result in further injury. 

Using a brace post-knee surgery will help stabilize the knee and protect it from experiencing another injury.

Prevent Swelling

Even after a minor knee injury that doesn’t involve surgery, a knee brace could be a good idea. A minor injury still introduces the threat of swelling in your knee. Your knee swells due to extra blood and fluids pooling up around an injury in order to heal it. Unfourtantly, this causes more pressure and pain inside the knee. This can also slow down the healing process. 

Keeping compression on the knee is one of the best ways to avoid bad swelling. A compression knee brace will make sure that your knee is compressed throughout the day without having to rewrap it with elastic bandages throughout the day. Make sure to consult your doctor to make sure that a knee brace is needed for your injury. 

This is only a small number of knee-related injuries that an orthopedic brace could be used for. 

In some cases, a knee brace will not be recommended if there is a treatment that is seen as more effective. These can include physical therapy, heat or ice application, or pain medication. 

Knee braces are not the solution for all knee-related pain. A study has shown that patients who experience a specific pain are more likely to report pain relief from a knee brace than those who don’t have specific knee pain. 

Using Orthopedic Braces for Knee Support Correctly

There are a few factors to consider when wearing a knee brace to make sure it works as planned. These are important guidelines to follow if you want the most from orthopedic braces for knee support.

Wear The Brace as Advised

If you want to notice a difference in your level of knee pain, make sure to wear your knee brace as advised. This can be difficult for some people due to discomfort or interference with daily activities or tasks. If a brace doesn’t fit right or is causing discomfort, bring it to your doctor so they can correctly adjust it.

See Your Brace as a Positive Thing

A study has found that viewing your brace as a positive thing will make the brace more effective. Gaining encouragement from friends, family, and co-workers could make a better outcome from using the brace. 

Don’t Rely on Your Brace for the Long Term

Orthopedic knee braces are generally only supposed to be worn for a short period of time while your body heals. Relying too heavily on a brace for a long time can create muscle atrophy which can cause an increased chance of injury and make pains even worse. This does not apply to those who experience osteoarthritis. 

If a doctor doesn’t think a brace is necessary, then you probably shouldn’t wear one. Doing so can result in further injury or worsened knee pain. 

Orthopedic Braces for Knee Support You Can Count On

If you’re experiencing painful knee pains, orthopedic braces for knee support will help you reduce or even eliminate pain. Visit our store page to view the different knee brace options we offer. Always makes sure to ask your doctor if an orthopedic knee brace is right for you. We always recommend following a doctor’s advice on how long you should wear a brace to see optimal results.

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