By |Categories: Health & Wellness|Last Updated: July 11, 2024|

Marijuana is a drug that is found in the leaves and flowers of cannabis plants. People will smoke marijuana by itself or mixed with tobacco in “joints”, pipes, water pipes, and many other ways as well. You can also mix marijuana into food or inhale it through vaporizers. The main psychoactive chemical in marijuana is known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC can have a number of effects on the brain and body, including relaxation, mild euphoria, distrust, and anxiety. 

Marijuana has a number of known medical and therapeutic benefits, including pain relief and aiding in sleep. It is an addictive substance and usage among younger people can result in memory loss and mental health issues. Marijuana has become medically legal in thirty-six states and legal for recreational purposes in several states.

Marijuana is the most common addictive substance in the United States, after tobacco and alcohol. The SAMSHA estimates that 4 million people in the United States suffered from marijuana use disorder in 2015. Marijuana addiction and abuse can take over your life, becoming your highest priority.  Preferred Med Supply has drug testing kits that can help you spot marijuana usage in friends, family, workers, or anyone else you may suspect is using marijuana. If you’re uncertain if someone you know is using marijuana, these signs can help you know if someone should get tested or not. 

Marijuana Addiction and DependencyMarijuana Addiction

Marijuana disorder is the problematic use of marijuana.  Among those who use marijuana, 30% of users may have some form of the disorder. Your brain will develop a dependence when your brain adapts to the large amounts of cannabinoids by decreasing its natural production of endocannabinoids or reducing sensitivity to them. You’ll become more dependent on marijuana in order to feel normal. 

When someone stops using marijuana suddenly, the users will experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, difficulty sleeping, decreased appetite, and general discomfort. Physical dependence is not the same as addiction. An addiction is when someone will compulsively seek or use marijuana, even when it is harmful to one’s well-being. There is no clear sign that someone is addicted to marijuana. This is mainly because many studies will measure dependence over addiction. 

Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Use Disorder

If you are worried that someone you know or love is using marijuana, these signs could help you spot an addiction. If you notice any of these signs, order one of our at-home drug testing kits today to get the real answer. 

Signs and symptoms include:

  • Use marijuana more often and in higher amounts.
  • Trying to use less marijuana but being unable to.
  • Devoting time and money to acquiring marijuana. 
  • Falling to perform everyday tasks. 
  • Using marijuana even when it causes problems at work or in the home.
  • Losing interest in hobbies.
  • Continuing to use marijuana in harmful situations. 

Short-Term Effects of Marijuana

When someone smokes marijuana, the drug quickly passes from your lungs, into your bloodstream, and then to your brain. One will experience effects almost immediately.

You may experience:

  • Euphoria
  • Relaxation
  • Laughter
  • Altered perception of time
  • Increased appetite

Marijuana can also cause a number of side effects. These will be more common if you take high-potency marijuana or you have a low tolerance.

Side-effects may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Distrust
  • Panic
  • Temporary acute psychosis, hallucinations, delusions, and loss of personal identity. 

Long-Term Effects of Marijuana

The long-term effects of marijuana are still unclear and lack any consensus in scientific research. Several studies do suggest that people who use marijuana constantly may be at increased risk of psychiatric disorders. Those who have pre-existing genetic conditions could be at increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders. 

Long-term use of marijuana can lead to lung problems and cognitive impairment, especially among adolescents. 

Treatment for Marijuana Addiction

The most effective drug rehab program will mix various treatments together to suit an individual’s needs. Many people will turn to detox centers. Most treatment centers will start with detox which helps remove the various toxins from your body. 

Overcoming marijuana addiction may be difficult, but it can be done. Users that have overcome marijuana addiction have done so with the help of rehab, family therapy, support groups, behavioral therapy, and dual diagnosis. 

The best way to treat marijuana addiction is to recognize the signs early. Doing so will prevent the addiction from becoming something even worse. If you know someone that is possibly using marijuana, visit our shop page today and get an at-home drug testing kit. These kits will give you the answers you need to ensure that someone you love doesn’t go down the wrong path. 

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