By |Categories: Health & Wellness|Last Updated: July 11, 2024|

Hiring new candidates for your business can be a loaded task for your HR department. Going through multiple resumes and interviews is only part of the challenge. One of the other challenges that come with hiring possible candidates is drug testing to make sure they are a good fit for your company. HR drug tests are a great way to ensure your business stays drug-free and safe for all of your employees. Preferred Med Supply has the drug testing kits you need to ensure you can get results back fast.

Our extensive selection of different types of drug testing kits will make HR drug tests much easier. Whatever it is you want to test for, we have it. Our tests can be administered in different ways, such as saliva, urine, and swabs. We are the perfect solution for HR drug tests since each of our products is sold in bulk quantities. Since we sell in bulk, you’re getting the best prices possible every time you buy from us. 

Accurate and Reliable HR Drug Tests

You can always trust Preferred Med Supply and our reliable and accurate products. Each of our drug testing kits is FDA certified and CLIA waived, meaning you’re getting a product that is authorized for HR drug testing. 

All of the products we create are direct-sourced and made with both quality and cost in mind. 

Importance of Workplace Drug Tests

Drug abuse and drug-related incidents in the workplace have been increasing in recent years. This has forced companies to take drug testing much more seriously. 

Drug testing in work environments promotes a much safer work environment. This is especially important for jobs that require the use of hazardous materials or the use of heavy machinery. Drugs in these types of environments can lead to injuries and a much unsafer place for everyone around them. Drug use in the workplace can impair one’s thought and rational thinking, leading them to do things that can cause harm to themselves and others. This is why it’s important for HR drug tests to be reliable and accurate so these problems don’t present themselves in the future.

HR Drug Tests

Reasons for HR Drug Tests

Every company will have different reasons for wanting to implement drug testing. Below you’ll find some of the most common reasons drug tests are administered: 

  • Protect Employees and Customers – Any employee that is under the influence of drugs or alcohol poses a threat to themselves, other employees, and the general public. While general accidents can happen, the use of these substances in the workplace can lead people to lash out and cause injuries to others.
  • Keep Productivity Up – Those employees that are under the influence have a much higher chance of missing work than those who aren’t. Even when they do report to work, the drug use can lead to drowsiness and lack of coordination, which in turn, lowers productivity. 
  • Help the Community – With drug testing in the workplace, businesses can do their part in helping the community combat drug use. Drug abuse is something that everyone needs to do a part to fight against. 
  • Rehabilitate Employees – Drug testing programs are often implemented in businesses to provide assistance to employees who have had positive drug tests in the past. Good employees who have tested positive can be sent to treatment to help with their recovery. 

Challenges with HR Drug Tests

It’s important that HR drug tests are handled carefully or else it can have a negative impact on the work environment. Giving employees a warning that a drug test is happening in a few weeks, helps build trust within the company and doesn’t make it seem like someone is being singled out from the rest of the employees. 

Creating a drug-free workplace improperly can result in employees not liking HR managers. They may think that the drug test is intrusive and invades their privacy. This is why it’s so important for HR to understand the rationale behind the policy. HR drug tests should feel fair for all employees and HR should show respect and dignity when giving them out. There should never be a sense of hostility or hatred towards the employees.

Drug Tests Delivered Right To You

HR drug tests are an important step in making sure that your employees and customers are safe from harm. Stopping workplace drug abuse is important and it can create a much better environment for everyone around. Prefered Med Supply has everything you need to make sure your workplace is as safe as it can be. If you’re looking for drug test kits, visit our store page today and visit our contact page if you have any further questions about our kits or other products. 

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