home test kits
By |Categories: Drug Testing Kits, Testing Education|Last Updated: July 11, 2024|

Home drug test kits have become widely available from both online stores and in-person stores alike. Their rise in popularity is due to many different factors, one of which is the ability of businesses to quickly drug test their employees. The convenience and price are something that everyone can get behind and use. These home drug test kits can have some questions attached to them and Preferred Med Supply wants to clear some of the confusion. One of the biggest questions that often comes up is “how accurate are these home drug test kits?”. 

With these tests being done at home versus in a laboratory, people will think that the results aren’t correct or at least misleading. Home drug test kits all claim to be extremely accurate with up to 99.9% accuracy, but just how true is it?


How Accuracy Can Vary?

Almost every home drug test kit will claim to be almost perfectly accurate, and this is accurate. Home testing kits mostly share the same kind of drug detection technology and have been proven to work. What many people don’t realize is the different number of factors that play into the drug kit’s results. Depending on the type of drug and the amount of time you wait before testing, the results can vary. A few of the common factors to look out for include:

  • Test done within the correct time frame
  • Was the test performed correctly
  • Was the test stored properly
  • What did the person eat or drink prior to the test
  • Were any medications taken before the test


How These Factors Affect The Test

Since these factors exist, it is why no home drug test kit can ever claim 100% accuracy. One way you can always ensure if a test is correct is to have a lab re-test the sample. Labs are able to 100% accurately give results since they can see everything that has entered the body’s system.

A false positive can occur for multiple reasons. If you’ve taken a prescribed drub it can often interfere with the results of the drug test. They can also occur from a test being expired, improperly stored, or conducting the test either too late or too early. 


How Accurate Are Lab Tests Versus Home Test Kits

No matter which home test kit it is, if they claim that it is “as accurate as a lab test”, they’re wrong. A lab test requires the usage of multiple different tools and measurements. They produce far fewer false positives and provide an exact breakdown of what is in the body’s system. It will even display exactly which substances are in someone. 

The lone advantage the home test kit has over the lab test is the price and convenience. No waiting 1-2 days for results and no waiting at a doctor’s office to get seen. 


Get Tested Now

Home test kits can be a great way to test someone or yourself for a certain substance. While they will never be 100% accurate, they are still extremely accurate. Make sure to follow the steps that came with your home test kit to ensure the best results. If you’re looking for affordable and accurate home test kits, visit our online store to find exactly what you’re looking for. 

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