By |Categories: Health & Wellness|Last Updated: July 11, 2024|

Looking to hire new candidates for your business? While it seems like an easy task to bring new people on board, it’s often more difficult than you think. The process of reading resumes and conducting interviews is only half of the battle. The other side of the battle comes in the form of drug tests for hiring. Conducting a drug test for hiring can help show if a candidate is a right fit for your company. Drug tests for hiring are a great way to ensure that your business stays drug-free and safe for everyone there. Preferred Med Supply has the drug testing kits you need to ensure you get fast and reliable results.

The large selection of drug testing kits we have will make drug tests for hiring much easier and faster. Whichever substance or substances you test for, we’ll have the kit you need. We also offer different options of test-taking, such as saliva, urine, and swabs. We are the perfect solution for drug tests for hiring since all of our products can be purchased in bulk. Purchasing our tests in bulk will ensure you get the best price possible. 

Accurate and Reliable Drug Tests for Hiring

With Preferred Med Supply, you’ll always get products that are accurate and reliable to use. All of our products are FDA certified and CLIA waived, meaning the product you receive is approved and authorized for personal use.

Every product we create is direct-sourced and made with both quality and cost in mind.

Importance of Drug Testing

In recent years, drug abuse and drug-related incidents in the workplace have been on a steady rise. This has forced lots of businesses to step up their anti-drug policies and make sure that no employees are abusing drugs while working.

Testing for drugs in a work environment creates a much safer work environment for everyone. This is especially true for jobs that deal with dangerous materials and equipment, such as hazardous chemicals and heavy machinery. Having drugs in these types of work environments can lead to serious injuries while on the job. Drug use is known to impair one’s thoughts and actions, leading them to do things that can cause harm to themselves and others around them. This is why drug tests for hiring are so important. It’s also important that the tests you give out are reliable and accurate so problems don’t present themselves in the future.

Drug Tests for Hiring

Reasons for Drug Tests

Each company is going to have a different policy and reasoning for why they would want to implement a drug testing policy. There are some reasons that are common between all businesses and those include:

  • Protect Employees and Customers – No matter who it is, an employee under the influence of drugs poses a threat to not only themselves but other employees and the general public. While accidents are bound to happen in the workplace, drugs increase the chance of something happening that could injure people around them.
  • Keep Productivity Up – Compared to drug-free employees, those who frequently use drugs are much less likely to show up to work on time or at all. Even when these employees do show up to work, their productivity is often stunted due to drowsiness and lack of coordination from the drug use. 
  • Help the Surrounding Community – Drug tests for hiring can do more than just help your business, it can help the community around it as well. By testing for drugs, you help combat drug usage.
  • Help Employees Recover – While it’s not the main purpose, drug testing can help employees who have tested positive for drugs recover and return to work better than before. A good employee who tested positive can be sent to treatment in order to come back to work feeling better than ever.

Challenges with Drug Tests for Hiring

While drug testing is meant to help show who is a good candidate for your business, it can also cause harm, so it’s important to give these tests out with a purpose and caution. Giving possible candidates a heads up about a drug test can help form a sense of trust with your company. Springing a test on them out of nowhere can lead to distrust and can make a candidate feel targeted.

Creating a drug-free workplace incorrectly can result in employees not liking their HR managers. Drug testing can sometimes feel intrusive to ones’ privacy. This is why it’s important for HR to understand the rationale behind giving the test. Hiring drug tests should feel fair for all possible candidates and it should show a form of dignity and respect between both the candidate and the HR department. There should never be a sense of hostility or hatred when administering the test.

Drug Tests Delivered Right To You

Drug tests for hiring are an important step in making sure that your employees and customers are safe from harm. Stopping workplace drug abuse is important and it can create a much better environment for everyone around. Prefered Med Supply has everything you need to make sure your workplace is as safe as it can be. If you’re looking for drug test kits, visit our store page today and visit our contact page if you have any further questions about our kits or other products. 


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